Saturday 8 May 2010

Back in the saddle with 5 weeks to go!

Well after a nearly 6 week intensely bad sinus/chest infection and antibiotics galore.  I am back in the saddle.  This week saw me get back out there and train.  Unfortunately the 6 weeks of no exercise has done quite a lot of damage :(  Before I became ill, I was just off 5k runs during training.  This week I have struggled doing 2k.  But as ever, I guess it's just more of a challenge!  So out goes the penchant for reds and rum...and in comes the penchant for apples and bananas.  Anna has carried on and is ready for a 10k run this week.  So I shall carry on by her side...on my bicycle!  My plan for the next 5 weeks is to run 3 days a week and cycle 3 days a week.  Hopefully this will get me up to a hard but easily accomplished 10k by June 12!

Wish me luck!